Sense of touch

I. Label and color the figure. Use the color codes below.

blood vessels – red melanocyte - orange
dermis – pink Pacinian corpuscle - green
epidermis – flesh sebaceous gland - white
hair follicle – black sweat gland - violet
hair erector muscle – blue subcutaneous layer – yellow

II. Identify the following.

________________________________ 1. fatty tissue located under the dermis
________________________________ 2. the outer layer of the skin
________________________________ 3. a tube-shaped gland that produces
________________________________ 4. the layer of the skin just beneath the epidermis
________________________________ 5. tubes that carry blood as it circulates
________________________________ 6. a muscle is connected to each hair follicle and
the skin - it contracts (in response to cold,
fear, etc.), resulting in a "goosebump."
________________________________ 7. a small, sack-shaped gland that releases oily
(fatty) liquids onto the hair follicle
________________________________ 8. a tube-shaped sheath that surrounds the part
of the hair that is under the skin.
________________________________ 9. nerve receptors that respond to pressure and
vibration; they are oval capsules of sensory
nerve fibers
________________________________10. a cell in the epidermis that produces melanin
(a dark- colored pigment that protects the
skin from sunlight)

III. In what layer can we find the following? Write D if we can find it in the dermis, E if in
the epidermis and S if in the subcutaneous layer.

_____ 1. blood vessels _____ 5. melanocyte
_____ 2. Pacinian corpuscle _____ 6. sebaceous gland
_____ 3. hair follicle _____ 7. sweat gland
_____ 4. hair erector muscle _____ 8. hair shaft

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