Basic facts

  1. Supply the missing numbers.

1. 8 + 7 = 9. + 8 = 17
2. 5 + 9 = 10. + 5 = 11

3. 6 + 7 = 11. 7 + = 13

4. 7 + ( 8 + 6 ) = 12. 4 + = 12

5. 5 + ( 8 + 4 ) = 13. 8 + ( + 4 ) = 16

6. 7 + ( 4 + 3 ) = 14. 7 + ( 4 + ) = 19
7. ( 5 + 4 ) + 9 = 15 ( 6 + 3 ) + = 18

8. ( 6 + 4 ) + 8 = 16. ( 4 + ) + 8 = 15

II.A.Write three pairs of addition sentences for the following sums.

12                     14                              17                               18                            20

  1. Write the following in number sentences and solve.

1. eight more than nine _________________ = _______

2. three more than seven _________________ = _______

3. four more than six and seven _________________ = _______

4. six more than eight plus three _________________ = _______

5. nine more than the sum of five and three _________________ = _______

Mental Math

I.A.  Mental Math.

1.  ________ 2.  _________ 3.  _________ 4.  ________

    B. Add the following.
1.      2  3 2.      4  1 3.     9  4 4.     5  9
     +  3  4    +   4  7    +  7  8    +  6  4
    _______   ________  ________  _______

5. 6  7  9 6. 7  2  6 7. 3  8  5 8. 3  9  1
  +    3  8  5  +    3  7  4        +     2  9  6    +   2  4  6
              _________ 1  9  0     _________ 6  8  5
                   __________                  __________

  C. Solve the following problems.

1. Joseph got  38  points  in a Math test.  Karen got  45  points.  How many points did the two
students get?

2. Joy got  32 points.  Jasper  got  7 points more than  Joy.  How many points did the two students get?

3. In a school, there are  784  boys  and  875  girls. How many pupils are there in that school?

4. There are 37 more grade one pupils than grade two pupils.  If there are 259 grade two pupils,
how many  grades one and two students are there?


Complete the following analogies. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. celery : stem ; alugbati : X
A. leaves B. flowers C. fruits

2. squash : fruit ; sugarcane : X
T. leaves U. stems V. fruits

3. carrot : root ; katuray : X
R. flowers S. stems T. fruits

4. broccoli : flowers ; rice plant : X
C. flowers D. leaves E. fruits

5. sugar : sugarcane ; bread : X
T. rice plant U. coconut V. wheat

6. rubber band : rubber tree ; door : X
O. yakal P. mango Q. maguey

7. copra : coconut ; latex : X
G. apitong H. acacia I. rubber tree

8. oil : coconut ; quinine : X
Q. eucalyptus R. cinchona tree S. lagundi

 What ailment is not cured by each plant? your answer. 

1. banaba diarrhea cough stomachache
2. eucalyptus burns asthma bronchitis
3. guava toothache diarrhea fever
4. gumamela boil burns asthma
5. lagundi diarrhea cough fever

  1. How do you keep yourself safe in handling plants? Complete the following statements. 

1. If you are allergic to plants, _____________________________________________________

2. When camping in the forests, ___________________________________________________

3. Avoid tasting fruits of plants that you are not familiar with because ________________

4. When your skin is pricked by a thorn or slashed by a sharp leaf, ____________________

5. When some plants cause rashes to appear on your skin, ___________________________

6. In case of poisoning, _____________________________________________________________

II. A. Read and analyze the following. Write the letter of the correct answer. 

  1. A. Anything that occupies space and has mass is called matter.
B. Two objects can occupy the same space at the same time.

  1. A. The amount of matter that an object has is its mass.
B. The amount of space and object occupies is its weight.

  1. A. The mass of an object is expressed in grams.
B. Bigger objects are always heavier than smaller ones.

  1. A. We use the graduated cylinder to measure the mass of irregular solids.
B. We use the platform balance to measure the mass of small objects.

  1. A. Volumes of liquids are taken using the water displacement method.
B. The weight of an object involves its mass and the strength of the pull of
gravity of the heavenly body where the object is.

  1. A. The Earth’s gravitational pull is stronger than the gravitational pull of the
B. We weigh less when we go to the moon.

  1. A. Matter is made up of very tiny particles called molecules.
B. Molecules of matter are always moving.

  1. A. Molecules of solids move rapidly back and forth that’s why they have
definite shapes.
B. Molecules of liquids slide past each other and move faster than solids
that’s why they don’t have definite shapes but they have definite

  1. A. Molecules of liquids are very near each other.
B. Molecules of gases are compact.

  1. A. The strength of a material determines how it can withstand pressure.
B. Hard objects are easily scratched.

  1. A. The ability of solids to be hammered and made into different shapes
without breaking is called malleability.
B. The ability of solids to be drawn into very thin wires is called ductility.

  1. A. The ability of solids to be stretched or squeezed and be able to be back
in its original shape is called elasticity.
B. The ability of solids to broken into pieces when hammered is called

Science and Health III, p. 4

  1. A. The viscosity of liquids tell about how quickly the liquids evaporate.
B. The volatility of liquids tell about how easily the liquids flow.

  1. A. There are useful substances that can be harmful if not properly handled.
B. It is safe to spray insecticides at home even when there are people

  1. A. Harmful substances should be kept away from children’s reach.
B. Reading the label of substances is a very important precautionary
measure in handling substances properly.

B. What special property of matter is common among the following? Write your answer
on the space before the number.

____________________________ 1. rubber band garter
____________________________ 2. gold aluminum
____________________________ 3. rock diamond
____________________________ 4. ceramic plate flowerpots
____________________________ 5. bridge filing cabinet
____________________________ 6. perfume alcohol
____________________________ 7. syrup honey

  1. Complete the table below. 

Useful for -
Harmful when -
1. rock

2. muriatic acid

3. hydrogen

  1. Read and analyze the following situations. Then answer the questions briefly but substantially. 

    1. You don’t feel well. You want to take medicine to ease the pain you are feeling but you have not consulted the doctor yet. Why should you not just take medicines that are not prescribed by doctors?


    1. It’s the end of the year and your mother asks your help to clean up. You were
asked to clean your medicine cabinet. What should you do?


  1. Your mother asked you to clean the bath room. You found out that there is a new cleanser that will be used. What should you do first?


    1. You were asked by your teacher to look for a place where you could have bonfire. What are the things that you need to consider? Why?


B. Answer the following. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

  1. In which material can you see through clearly?
A. clear glass window C. paper bag
B. capiz window D. shoe box
  1. Why are shadows formed?
    1. The light rays pass through transparent objects.
    2. The rays of light are blocked by an object.
    3. The source of light is artificial.
    4. Some materials reflect light.

  1. Which object is a good reflector of light?
J. wood cabinet K. brick wall L. mirror M. soap bubbles

  1. What happens when light moves from air into water?
  1. Light increases its speed.
  2. Light continues at the same speed.
  3. Light increases in speed and goes to the opposite direction.
  4. Light decreases in speed and bends.

  1. What happens when light bounces off an object?
J. It bends light. L. It reflects light.
K. It refracts light. M. It transmits light.

  1. What happens when light is trapped by matter?
A. Light is absorbed. C. Light is reflected.
B. Light is refracted. D. Light is transmitted.

  1. Which of the following groups of materials allow much light to pass through?
  1. block of wood, brick wall, cemented wall
  2. frosted glass, colored cellophane, capiz windows
  3. mirror, thin cloth, air
  4. clear water, air, eye glass

  1. Which of the following groups of materials allow a small amount of light to pass through?
  1. thin cloth, capiz windows, frosted glass
  2. paper, tin can, eye glass
  3. frosted glass, colored cellophane, brick wall
  4. capiz windows, glass wall, cemented wall

  1. What do you call the bouncing for light from a surface?
  1. refraction S. reflection T. bending U. shadow

  1. What kind of material through which light passes easily?
W. dark X. translucent Y. transparent Z. opaque

  1. What happens to light as it travels?
N. It spreads. P. It becomes brighter.
O. It is trapped. Q. It goes back to its source.
  1. How does light travel?
D. in crooked lines F. in backward motion
E. in straight path G. in zigzag lines

Animals and Plants

I. Write F if the animal lives in the forest, G if in the grassland, D if in the desert and W if in the

1. antelope (G) 6. tamaraw (F) 11. stingray (W)
2. seahorse (W) 7. gila monster (D) 12. cheetah (G)
3. kangaroo rat (D) 8. squid (W) 13. lapu-lapu (W)
4. tarsier (F) 9. deer (F) 14. zebra (G)
5. kangaroo (G) 10. ostrich (G) 15. bear (F)

II. Identify the use of the following parts of animals. Write FG for food getting, M for
movement, BC for body covering and S for sensing and P for protection.

  1. beak (FG) 6. scales (BC) 11. webbed feet (M)
  2. tusk (P) 7. antlers (SP) 12. feathers (BC)
  3. proboscis (FG) 8. flippers (M) 13. tentacles (M/P)
  4. shell (BC) 9. green body (P) 14. fur (BC)
  5. antenna (S) 10. tongue (FG) 15. pincers (P)

III. What is the basis for grouping the each of the following groups of animals? Choose from
the following:

body covering kind movement food eaten

1. maya, parrot , eagle, woodpecker (body covering)

2. shark, whale, dolphin, eel (movement)

3. caterpillar, horse, carabao, zebra (food eaten)

4. alligator, snake, crocodile, turtle (kind)

5. carabao, cow, horse, sheep (kind, body covering, movement)

IV. Write S for soft stems and H for hard and woody stems.

  1. gumamela (H) 6. celery (S) 11. san francisco (H)

  2. santan (H) 7. rose (H) 12. pechay (S)

  3. kangkong (S) 8. mayana (S) 13. sampaguita (H)

  4. gabi (S) 9. mango (H) 14. pine tree (H)

  5. acacia (H) 10. celery (S) 15. banana (S)

V. Write F for fragrant flowers and O if odorless.

  1. gumamela (O) 5. champaca (F) 9. ilang- ilang (F)

  2. rose (F) 6. daisy (O) 10. orchid (O)

  3. sampaguita (F) 7. malaysian mums (O) 11. camia (F)

  4. yellow bell (O) 8. stargazer (F) 13. santan (O)

VI. What root system has each of the following plants? Write T for taproot system and F for

fibrous root system.

  1. orchid (F) 4. onion (F) 7. turnip (T)

  2. cassava (T) 5. pechay (F) 8. sweet potato (T)

  3. carrot (T) 6. radish (T) 9. grass (F)

VII. Write S for small leaves and B for big leaves.

  1. banana (B) 4. anahaw (B) 7. acacia (S)

  2. malungggay (S) 5. gabi (B) 8. papaya (B)

  3. ipil-ipil (S) 6. makahiya (S) 9. fern plant (S)


  1. What is the thickest layer of the skin?

K. subcutaneous layer L. dermis M. epidermis

  1. What do you call the outermost layer of the skin?

S. epidermis T. dermis U. subcutaneous layer

  1. What contracts in response to cold and fear?

F. sweat gland G. hair erector muscle H. oil gland

  1. What supplies the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis with the nutrients they need?

C. sebaceous gland D. Pacinian corpuscles E. blood vessels

  1. What layer of the skin is mostly made of fats?

R. epidermis S. dermis T. subcutaneous layer

  1. What nerve receptors respond to pain and pressure?

P. blood vessels Q. melanocytes R. Pacinian corpuscle

  1. What do you call the tiny holes in the skin?

U. pores V. blood vessels W. hair shaft

  1. What do you call the cell in the epidermis that produces melanin?

E. Pacinian corpuscle F. melanocytes G. hair shaft


1. The part of your nose that you can touch is the (bridge, nasal cavity, olfactory

2. The space inside the nose that connects it to the throat is the (bridge, nasal cavity, nostril).

3. The two openings which are lined with hairs that trap foreign materials from the air when you inhale are the (olfactory nerves, nostrils, olfactory epithelium).

4. The “smelling skin” of the nose is the (olfactory bulb, olfactory nerve, olfactory epithelium).

5. The (bridge,  nostril,  nasal cavity) is lines with mucous membrane that gives off a sticky fluid.

6. The sticky fluid that helps trap germs and dust is called (saliva,  sweat, mucus).

7. The nostril is separated by a wall called (septum, nasal cavity,  olfactory bulb).

8. The (olfactory bulb, olfactory epithelium, nasal cavity)  sends the message to the brain and tells us what we smell.

B.  Fill in the blanks.
1. The tongue is made up of  (muscles)_____________________________________
2. The tongue is covered with tiny  (bumps)_________________________ on the surface.
3. People are born with about  (10, 000)_____________________________ taste buds.
4. The number of taste buds (decreases) _______________________ as people age.

C. Identify the taste of each of the following.  Write bitter, salty, sour or sweet.

1. chocolate
2. green mango
3. powdered coffee
4. dried fish
5. burnt food
6. bagoong
7. calamansi


I. A. What part of the ear is being described?

  1. This is the smallest bone in the human body that passes on vibrations from the anvil to the cochlea.
A. pinna B. hammer B. anvil C. stirrup
  1. This is a thin membrane that vibrates when sound waves reach it.
A. Eustachian tube      C. auditory canal
B. eardrum                   D. semicircular canals
  1. It acts like a funnel. It collects sounds and directs them to the ear canal.
A. pinna B. lobule C. hammer D. anvil

  1. This is attached directly to the eardrum. It passes on vibrations from the eardrum to the anvil.
A. pinna B. auditory canal C. hammer D. stirrup

  1. It gets the message from the cochlea and sends it to the brain.
A. Eustachian tube C. auditory nerve
B. auditory canal D. optic nerve

  1. These are loops of fluid-filled tubes that are attached to the cochlea in the inner ear. They help us maintain our sense of balance.
A. cochlea C. three little bones
B. semicircular canals D. Eustachian tube

  1. This is the soft lower part of the external ear. It has large blood supply that helps warm the ear.
A. pinna B. lobule C. anvil D. stirrup

  1. This is a tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose. It equalizes the pressure between the middle ear and the air pressure in the nose and throat.
A. Eustachian tube          C. auditory canal
B. tympanic membrane   D. auditory nerve

  1. This is a tiny bone that passes vibrations from the hammer to the stirrup.
A. eardrum B. auditory canal C. cochlea D. anvil

  1. It is the tube through which sound travels to the eardrum. Its 2 centimeter length allows it to amplify sounds.
A. Eustachian tube              C. cochlea
B. semicircular canal           D. ear canal

  1. What is the other term for each of the following parts of the ear? Match column A
with column B. Write the letters only.
A                                                                                   B
  1. pinna                                                                 A. malleus
  2. eardrum                                                            B. auditory canal
  3. hammer                                                            C. incus
  4. anvil                                                                   D. auricle
  5. stirrup                                                                E. stapes
                                                                              F. tympanic membrane
                                                                              G. lobule

  1. Trace how sound travels from the pinna to the brain.
Pinna – ear canal – ear drum – hammer – anvil – stirrup – cochlea – auditory nerve – brain


I. Enumeration
A. Two general classifications of the sources of light
1.  natural sources 2.  artificial sources

B. Examples of heavenly bodies that give off light
1. sun 4.  aurora
2. moon         5.  stars
3. comets

C. Examples of luminescent creatures
1. angler fish 3.  firefly
2. jelly fish 4.

D. Examples of artificial sources
1. fluorescent lamp 5.  bonfire
2. oil lamp         6.  candle
3. kerosene lamp 7.  bulb
4. torch         8.  fire etc


  1. What special property of matter is described?

1. The ability of solids to break easily (brittleness)
2. The ability of solids to be hammered into very thin wires (ductility)
3. The ability of solids to be stretched or squeezed (elasticity)
4. The ability of solids to be hammered and shaped without breaking (malleability)
5. The ability of solids to withstand pressure (strength)
6. The ability of liquids to evaporate easily (volatility)
7. How hard or how easily the liquids flow (viscosity)

  1. What special property of matter is common among the following?
1. bridge, wall, cabinet (strength)
2. gold, aluminum, clay (malleability)
3. stone, steel, diamond (hardness)
4. acetone, cologne, alcohol (volatility)
5. glass, mirror, ceramic plate (brittleness)
6. tar, syrup, catsup (viscosity)


  1. Identify the plant used for the each of the following:
    1. door (narra, apitong, lauan, etc.)
    2. T-shirt (cotton)
    3. barong Tagalog (pineapple, abaca, banana)
    4. tire (rubber tree)
    5. cabinet (narra, apitong, lauan, yakal, mahogany, etc.)
    6. bag (abaca)
    7. ball (rubber tree)
    8. wall (narra, apitong, lauan, yakal, mahogany, coconut, etc.)
    9. formal gown (pineapple, abaca)
    10. pajama (cotton)

  1. What part is edible in each of the following. Write R for roots, S for stems, L for leaves and F for fruits.
1. rice (fruit) 11. pechay (stem and leaves)
2. sugarcane (stem) 12. asparagus (stem)
3. cassava (root) 13. squash (stem, leaves, flowers, fruit)
4. kangkong (stem and leaves) 14. celery (stem)
5. pineapple (fruit) 15. banana (flower)
6. broccoli (flower) 16. tomato (fruit)
7. ubi (root) 17. malunggay (leaves and fruit)
8. chayote (stem, leaves, fruit) 18. carrot (root)
9. alugbati (leaves) 19. potato (stem)
10. katuray (flowers) 20. cauliflower (flower)

  1. What is cured by each of the following plants?
1. cinchona tree (malaria)
2. ampalaya (coughs)
3. banaba (diarrhea, stomachache)
4. guava (toothache, diarrhea)
5. eucalyptus (asthma, cough, bronchitis)
6. gumamela (boils, burns)
7. lagundi (fever, cough, asthma)

  1. What plant part is used to propagate each of the following plants?
1. santan (stem) 11. begonia (leaves)
2. watermelon (seeds) 12. ampalaya (seeds)
3. mango (seeds) 13. sampaguita (stem)
4. katakataka (leaves) 14. yellow bell (stem)
5. gumamela (stem) 15. eggplant (seeds)
6. carrots (roots) 16. rosal (stem)
7. sugarcane (stem) 17. camote (roots)
8. squash (seeds) 18. radish (roots)
9. turnip (roots) 19. tugi (roots)
10. corn (seeds) 20. rose (stem)

Uses of Plants

I. A.Encircle the plant that does not belong to the group. Then, write the
common use of the remaining plants on the space provided.

________________________1. santan gumamela rose abaca
________________________2. carrot squash narra tomato
________________________3. orchid lagundi eucalyptus banaba
________________________4. apitong ampalaya lauan yakal
________________________5. cotton maguey mahogany abaca

B. What plant part is used as food in each of the following plants? 

_____ 1. katuray _____ 6. sugarcane
_____ 2. potato _____ 7. rice
_____ 3. ubi _____ 8. kangkong
_____ 4. celery _____ 9. tugi
_____ 5. eggplant _____10. brocolli

II. A. Complete the table below.

plant part used as medicine
sickness / disease that it can cure
1. ampalaya

diarrhea, stomachache
toothache, diarrhea
4. eucalyptus

asthma, cough, bronchitis
leaves and flowers
boils, burns
fever, cough, asthma
7. cinchona tree

  1. Draw and color 4 products from rubber plant. Label your drawing.

  1. Why are plants important?


Plant propagation

I. How are the following plants propagated? Write the letter of the correct answer.
A – thru seeds C – thru leaves
B – thru stems D – thru roots

_____ 1. katakataka     _____ 10. sampaguita
_____ 2. mongo             _____ 11. yellow bell
_____ 3. corn                _____ 12. tomato
_____ 4. beans             _____ 13. watermelon
_____ 5. gumamela      _____ 14. ampalaya
_____ 6. santan             _____ 15. radish
_____ 7. san Francisco _____ 16. turnip
_____ 8. camote            _____ 17. begonia
_____ 9. gabi                _____ 18. African violets

II. Why is plant propagation important?
