Taking Care of The Senses

Identify the sense organ being taken care of in the following practices. Write ears, eyes, nose, skin or tongue.

______________ 1. Use sunglasses when the sun is too bright.

______________ 2. Gently blow your nose when you have a cold.

______________ 3. Wash your hands and feet with soap and water.

______________ 4. Never put sharp objects or small objects inside.

______________ 5. Watch television from a distance.

______________ 6. Avoid eating food that is too cold or too hot.

______________ 7. Wash cuts and wounds with soap and water.

______________ 8. See a doctor if you have a hearing problem.

______________ 9. Visit an ophthalmologist regularly.

______________10. Read with proper lighting.

______________11. Always wear clean clothes.

______________12. Avoid loud and piercing sounds.

______________13. Dry your face and body with a clean towel.

______________14. Avoid going to dirty and polluted places.

______________15. Eat enough foods rich in vitamin A like carrots and

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