Fill in the blanks with the correct word or group of words.

1. The patron of ecology who wrote the poem, “The Canticle of Brother Sun “ is
2. ______________________ is a title used fro God alone who made everything out of His
Divine power and love.
3. ______________________ means God’s care and guardianship over His creation.
4. The story of creation is taken from ________________________.
5. God’s precious gift to us is our _____________________.
6. Humans are created in God’s own __________________ and ___________________.
7. God saw that everything He created was ___________________________.
8. God rested from all the work He has done on the __________________ day.
9. The Bible presents God’s creative activity as a simple ____________________.
10. Through the things He has made, God reveals His eternal power and _____________.
11. God calls us to be responsible for our life and God’s creation.  This responsibility is called _____________________________.

III.  True or False.

__________ 1.  God created out of His Divine goodness and love.
__________ 2.  Our Christian faith teaches us that God creates by Himself alone.
__________ 3.  Everything comes from God.
__________ 4.  Every person is called to reflect God’s love.
__________ 5.  The responsibility of stewardship is given to the farmers and to nature lovers
__________ 6.  We show our gratitude to God for all His creation by caring for the environment.
__________ 7.  God needs people and the things in the world to make Himself happy.
__________ 8.  Every time we look around and see the beauty of God’s creation we are reminded
    of God’s goodness and love.
__________ 9.  Our sustained efforts to preserve the environment would mean wise use of the
     earth’s resources.
__________10.  God breathe His own life into human beings.

IV.  Check the sentences that will make the following statement correct.

A. The story of creation reveals that:
_______ 1.  God is the author of life and everything that exists.
_______ 2.  God created everything good out of His selfishness.
_______ 3.  God is a God of love, goodness and wisdom.
_______ 4.  There is beauty and goodness in God’s creation.

B. God is present in all His creation because:
________ 1.  He is the source of all that exists.
________ 2.  He provides us with our needs.
________ 3.  We have no parents and friends.

C. We are created in God’s own image and likeness because:
________ 1.  God breathe in us His own life, making us good like Him.
________ 2.  We can love, and have the reason, and intellect, a soul and a conscience.
________ 3.  He called us to be stewards of His creation.

D. We can show our gratitude to God when:
________ 1.  We care for God’s creation.
________ 2.  We are abusing the resources in the environment.
________ 3.  We care for our life and of others.
________ 4.  We feel happy and grateful for God’s creation.
________ 5.  We praise God for all His creation.

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